Detail of the mosaic wall by Benjamin Jakob Reiser
Old town: Art on Buildings
The inner city (old town) is an area of listed buildings which were part of the post-Second World War reconstruction. The reconstruction of Munich after the Second World War was often based on the historical structure of the buildings and their original layout. As such, old Munich is visible once more, despite the extensive destruction. It is striking that the architects attached particular importance to the Kunst am Bau, or ‘Art on Buildings’ concept. Although restoration of infrastructure, and meeting the most urgent need for living space initially took priority, political efforts were made in Bavaria as early as 1949 to ensure that art should also be considered when planning new buildings. The Kunst am Bau approach of this period clearly speaks the language of the 1950s and 1960s. However it does not impose itself, it is modest and reserved. Some designs are inextricably linked to our image of Munich today. For example, the facade of the Ludwig Beck department store on Marienplatz, which has a sgraffito finish.